Guest Bedroom Makeover – Week 3
It is week 3 in my guest bedroom makeover! If you need to get caught up check out Week 1 and Week 2.
Making Progress…
The bed is finally done and I am so happy with how it came out. As a reminder from last week, I was waiting on the peel and stick wallpaper to arrive in order to finish the bed. This was the same wallpaper I used in Week 1 on the nightstand (and only cost $9 a roll). Well, it finally came on Tuesday and I quickly got to work. Let me tell you, getting peel and stick wallpaper on a curved piece of furniture is no joke. You have to work very slowly and patiently.
Here is a reminder of what the bed looked like before….
Here is how it looks today.
New duvet from Amazon and was under $20. The new bed skirt is also from Amazon. Pillows are from the Magnolia line at Target.
There were quite a few bubbles that formed after I applied the wallpaper on both the headboard and foot board, and no amount of smoothing or pressing them down was working. So, of course, it was Google to the rescue. I watched a video where a man used a hair dryer to heat up the bubbles, then simply smoothed them down with a smoothing tool. I really didn’t think it would work, but it DID! Hooray. No more bubbles.
I was also able to get the bureau painted. I didn’t use any wallpaper on this piece. Instead I just kept it simple and painted it the same white as the bed and nightstand, and used these knobs and handles to replace the others.
Here is the before…
The after….It looks like a brand new piece of furniture!
Next up….
This weekend I will begin painting the armoire. I have a feeling this will take me awhile. It is a big piece.
I STILL need to get rid of lots of stuff in here.
Still deciding if I should paint the walls or not. I probably should, put I feel burnt out from painting right now. LOL
l am looking into changing up the artwork behind the bed. The gallery wall seems tired. I found these on Amazon and LOVE them. What do you think. Wouldn’t they look great?
“Wallpaper” on headboard and footboard??? Looks like white paint to me.
Yes I put a light colored grass cloth wallpaper on the headboard and footboard.