Wednesday Weekly Update – 9/2/15
First off I have to say thank you Tropical Storm Erika for not causing us any problems and for not flooding our house remodel, and for pretty much missing us altogether! Yes it rained here over the weekend, but not any more than normal. I’ve seen it way worse. So, thank you Tropical Storm Erika for nothing!
Now for our weekly house remodel updates,
Just a quick post this week. Things are starting to take shape over at the House house. We have some framing up and it is getting easier to see how the back addition and lanai are going to look. I wish things were moving faster here but these things take time, apparently. The roof trusses are supposed to be getting delivered soon which means they will finally be able to build the second story. I am not sure how that will go down but I will find out when it happens, and take pictures of course.
Picking out a brand new pool!
We also had an appointment this week with the company who is putting in our pool. I’ll be writing a whole post about that soon.
That is it for now. Busy day today but I wanted to get this out since it is Wednesday and this is supposed to be my Wednesday Weekly Update. 😉
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