Goodwill End Tables Makeover

While out on a Goodwill hunting trip recently, I found these 2 end tables for only $9.99. For that price I was like, yup, y’all are coming home with me.

I knew right away what I planned to do with them. I’ve been on a Serena and Lily ‘dupe’ kick lately. I just love their furniture, but not the prices. So, once again I am bringing you a Serena and Lily look a like (or at least a sort of similar look 🙂 ).

Materials Used….
Furniture Paint
Water based Polycrylic
Paint Brushes
Gold Spray Paint

Step 1 in my Goodwill End Tables Makeover…

First I cleaned it up really well. Then I took the edging off on the sides of the front. To me those seemed to be dating the tables. Next, I used some wood filler to fill in any nail holes and scratches, etc…

Step 2 – Paint…

Next, I painted them white. I used Furniture Paint from Home Depot, but any furniture or chalk paint would do.

Goodwill Tables

I painted the drawer fronts a different color. I had some left over tan from a previous project so used that up. And lastly, I used some water based polycrylic to protect the finish,

Step 3 – New Handles…

I bought some new handles at Hobby Lobby. There weren’t many to choose from that were the correct size. However, I did find some inexpensive silver ones. I spray painted them gold since I thought that would be a better color for this piece. BONUS, they were 50% off, making them only around $8 for all 4 handles. I used some protective finish on these too, so they won’t chip.

That was it. This wasn’t to hard to accomplish. Here are the results.

Once again, I think they have a Serena & Lily vibe to them.

Goodwill Tables After

I did a VERY similar makeover to this bureau a few months ago.

Check out my quick Youtube short on the steps I used to finish these pieces. Link below….



  • Reply Cynthia Stevens August 31, 2022 at 11:18 am

    Absolutely beautiful! I love them! You sure made them look like new! I love yard sales and I’m in need of a craft table. I’m keeping your ideas in mind as I go to yard sales and flea markets and even second hand stores. Thank you for such great ideas.

    • Reply Jodi House August 31, 2022 at 1:54 pm

      Thank you much. I love yard sales too. I hope you have find something.

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