DIY Slip and Slide Kickball Game

My son turned 13 last weekend! 13! Seems like just yesterday he was a baby. Time flies. Anyway, we had a fun birthday party at home and set up a DIY Slip and Slide Kickball Game. It was a big hit. I had a few people ask me where we got this game. “We made it”, I told them. It was easy and not too expensive to set up. So, I thought I would write up a blog post on how we did it. Here ya go…

Materials Used…

4, Kiddie Pools
4, 3ft x 50ft Painting Tarps. We used these.
Dish Soap
16, 10 Inch Spike Nails

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I know there are other tutorials on the internet on how to make these. This is how WE did it.

Fortunately we have a big enough yard for this game. If your yard is smaller, you can adjust the length of your baselines. Also, we live in Florida and the weather is nice year round. This would make the perfect summer game for any party or event, or just set it up for any old reason.

First thing you need to do is blow up all 4 kiddies pools. We used these, but you can get larger ones if you want. These will serve as the bases.

DIY Slip and Slide Kickball Game

Next, you’ll need to set up the tarps as your baselines. We found the perfect sized tarps at Home Depot. They are 3 ft x 50 ft. We set them up in the shape of a baseball field and used 4, 10 inch spikes on each corner to secure them. We then put the kiddie pools over the nails to serve as each base.

Fill up your pools with water and get the tarps wet too. Use some soap to get them slick and you are ready to go. (You can find cheap soap at the Dollar Tree.)

That is pretty much it! Couldn’t be easier.

Sit back and watch as the kids have a blast, or even have an the adults join in too.

Check out this short video.


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