DIY Boho Mirror
I saw this project on Hometalk and decided to give it a try. It looked so cool, but also like it would be difficult to make! Well I am here to tell ya, it was really easy! Here is how I made this DIY Boho Mirror.
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Materials Used for this Project…Round Wreath Form from Dollar Tree |
Step 1 in DIY Boho Mirror…
Firstly, I gathered my materials by taking a trip to Dollar Tree. I was able to purchase the nautical rope (I bought 3 packages and used them both), the metal round wreath form, and glue sticks. I couldn’t find a big enough mirror at Dollar Tree so took a trip to Michaels and found a 10 inch one, as well as 2 packages of wooden beads.
Step 2, Cut the Rope…
Secondly, I started cutting the rope into 7 inch strips. I cut one whole package of the rope.
I measured 7 inch Cut your rope into strips
Step 3, Unravel and Tie…
Next, unravel the rope. It’ll give you three strips.
Next, start tying the rope onto the wreath form. Like this….
When you come to the part with the cross bar, tie the rope like this to hide it.
Keep tying until you fill up the entire wreath. It’ll look like this. You will need to fluff up the rope after it is all tied.
Step 3 Glue More Rope around edge…
Thirdly, glue the rope around the wreath form. I used a bunch of glue on the metal part as well as on the edge of the already tied rope so the rope would glue to both sides all around the edge. I glued one area at a time until I was all the way around. Cut the rope once you get all the way around.
Step 4, Glue Mirror…
Fourthly, (I used a LOT of glue for this part) apply glue all around the edge of the metal, then adhere the mirror to it. After I stuck the mirror on, I flipped the piece over and added more glue to the back as well.
Step 5, Add the Beads and more Rope…
To add the beads I used some string I had on hand. I used both packages of these wooden beads I found at Michaels. Each package had 27 beads (I did have one bead left over). Once I knew I had enough beads to fit all the way around, I tied the rope around the beads to form a circle. To apply them to the piece, I used yet more glue.
After the beads were applied I realized you could see the edge of the mirror and it looked funy. To hid the edge of the mirror I used one more strip of rope.
Step 6 Add a Hanger…
And last but not least, you need to add something on the back to be able to hang it. I used a piece of wire twine that I had in my craft bin to make a little hanger, and applied it using yet MORE glue. It ain’t pretty, but it does the trick.
The Final Product…
Isn’t it cool? I really love how it came out. AND it was pretty dang easy to make.
I also saw this on Hometalk and thought the same thing. Yours looks great. Now, I just have to find a place to hang it.😊
Aren’t they so cool? Way easier to make than I thought too.
Looks amazing Jodi. Great job!!
Thanks, Terrie