Wednesday Weekly Update 9/30/15

Rain, Rain Go Away

It has been raining here A LOT.  The weather has held us up on all projects on the House house remodel. As mentioned in last week’s update the steel beam has been set. The guys will be building a temporary support wall to hold up the existing roof over the first floor so what remains of the house won’t cave in. The roof trusses have been delivered and demo has begun on the roof.  Once the roof is completely off (it is about 90% there as of today) they will start to frame the 2nd floor and set the roof trusses. Then they will start the mechanicals, plumbing, electric, A/C etc.  It is nice and sunny today, however, the guys are now all behind on other jobs so there is a delay getting that last bit of roof off.  Sigh!!!! Anyway, here is what it looks like….

Roof, 90% gone!
Roof, 90% gone!
Inside the house. A little wet. Not to bad.
Inside the house. A little wet after a torrential rain but overall not to bad. It is mostly dry now.
View from inside the house. Oh my!!!
Roof trusses.
Roof trusses. Ready to roll!

The sub contractor was there today when we stopped by.  He told us the house is approximately 3 months away from being complete.  People keep asking me for a date and I keep telling them ‘about 3 months’, looks like I was right on.  😉

Pool Choices Made…

We finalized our pool this week and we are happy with our choices.  I absolutely can’t wait to see it all done.  It is going to be beautiful! Here are the finishes we picked.

Tiles we choose for the water line of the pool.
Tiles we choose for the water line of the pool.
Here is how it’ll look.
And a row of 2 will go on each step of the pool staircase. Pretty!
And a row will go on each step of the pool staircase, only our pool finish will not be this dark it will be Silver Reserve, shown below.
Our finish is called Silver Reserve and will make our water look like this.
Our finish is called Silver Reserve and the little specs of glass in it will make our water look like this. Ooooh, sparkly.
Our paver color.
Our paver color. Looks much better in person.

Here is a reminder of what the pool is going to look like.  A few weeks ago I talked about how we didn’t plan to cage in the pool, only a small area instead.  Well, we might be caging it in after all.  It might not be as expensive as we thought it would.  We originally had told the pool guy that we wanted a 2 story cage so the upstairs deck off the master bedroom would be enclosed too, but, 2 story cages are super expensive.  To install a cage just around the downstairs area is much more reasonable.  I am almost positive that we are going to do it.  We are just waiting for final numbers.  I like the idea of an open pool but caging it in is really the way to go here in Florida.

Our future pool!
Our future pool!

Now rain, please stay away for a while.  We need to get stuff done around here or we’ll never be able to move in and our ‘3  more months’ will turn into 4 or 5!  Thank you!

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